No stranger to the tyre manufacturing industry, Piotr Czyzyk was recently appointed as managing director for Goodyear South Africa, where he has served in a number of roles and markets for the past 17 years. While in his erstwhile role as PBU Commercial Director in Europe, Czyzyk was responsible for overseeing the Central Europe operation, garnering keen insights into the global market, consumer behavior, as well as the shifting dynamics of demand and supply.

“I have had the good fortune of forging a career, gaining a wealth of experience and growing an international stakeholder network at a company which is one of the world’s leading tyre manufacturers. My skills and passion have been harnessed for nearly 20 years, in a place where, quite literally, the rubber hits the road,” says Czyzyk.

He continues: “As a gateway into the rest of the continent, South Africa is a key market for Goodyear, not only in terms of strengthening our geographic footprint and regional ties, but also in proving our ability to innovate local solutions which draws on our global insights.”

Czyzyk says, “This new economy is a challenge for every business, so new ideas and perhaps, unconventional thinking is what is needed for companies such as ours to thrive under new conditions.” He adds that Goodyear has built its reputation in the market by remaining a customer-centric business, remaining relentless in its pursuit of cutting-edge innovation, and he believes he has the right team to lead the business into the new year.